Sunday, February 05, 2006

What's in the News?

Current Affairs

Two things have been popping up in all of the late night news shows and they are: 1) SUPERBOWL FEVER and 2) the outrage of the Muslims by a Danish Newspaper Editorial cartoon.

Superbowl Fever is obviously about American Football and how big a celebration it is for a big percentage of the people in America (including Canada), so I wouldn't really be saying anything about it. Besides, I'm not really a sports fanatic so I really don't care about the Superbowl. I might have to know a couple of things about it though to keep the small talk going with people at work and with Dearest Stranger (that is if and when I still see him!).

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The outrage of the Muslims offended by a Danish Newspaper Editorial is accounted for and the Danish Newspaper's answer isn't really satisfactory for me. Yes ,they are doing it on the grounds of freedom of speech but then again, freedom of speech is not really an excuse for journalism insensitivity. It's true that journalism aims to describe the events that are happening in our world and our surroundings, but as I believe that journalists' should practice a little bit of sensitivity when it comes to controversial and sensational matters like religion. If I remember it right, my highschool teacher in my Personality Development Class told us that as evidence of good manners and good breeding is that one should never, ever, ever talk about these three things: 1) Money, 2) Politics and 3) Religion. People would never agree on these three things. I'm not saying that journalists' shouldn't talk about these things but I suggest that they just practice a little bit of sensitivity and moral judgment. Further sensationalizing an issue does not make a positive effect on people.

Not all Muslims are bad people nor are they all intending to "rule" the world. Or are they wanting world domination. Belief perseverance tends to rule people's thinking, therefore, a majority of people tend to just continue on believing things even though there are evidences that proves that their belief is wrong.

I just hope that racism would soon stop. Discrimination does not help anyone. Exclusivity is not what we need right now. What this world needs is to be unified. People should look beyond the skin color, the wrong pronunciation of things, and of different names of them Higher Beings.

Sometimes a little dose of sensitivity will help us all but then again too much of it breeds contempt. Let us all just keep things in moderation.

+++ I am posting the controversial editorial cartoon for people to understand what I'm talking about.



I hate you!

I really do!

Sometimes I wonder if dearest stranger is worse than you but aat the end of the day it just sums up with you being the worse one.

I hate you!

I hate you!

I really am starting to hate you!

Don't be surprised if and when one day you just stop hearing from me. When all of a sudden I just stop being in your world. It's coming soon kid. It's coming soon.

Right now, I'd rather be with a man like dearest stranger than continue being friends with you. Just being friends with you is killing me all the more, every time we talk. Soon, I'd actually go and kill myself if I continue doing this shit with you.



I am Angel. . . once again, slacking off. . .

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