Tuesday, February 07, 2006



This was the day my space here in blogspot was conjured.

It has been my home for three years. It has seen many sides of me that not a lot of people are willing to see and would want to see. It has been my breathing space when things just get to rough in this world. It has been my comfort zone.

Three years. . .

I never thought I would still be writing up to now. I thought, I was just getting into some fad that eventually will fade off. But no! I'm still here despite all the people who already stopped blogging and felt that blogging is a thing of the past. I'm still here despite the fact that nearly half of the people on my links list aren't writing anymore. I'm still here despite the fact that my voyeurs are dwindling every month.

Three years. . .

This only proves that my love affair with writing hasn't gone sour but instead, got stronger. This only proves that I will still be writing for many, many years. As long as there is a story to be told or a ranting session that needs to be conjured and released, I will still be writing.

Three years. . .

I expect to still keep this blogspot space as long as they keep it free and the features simple.

Three years. . . and still going strong!!!


I am Angel. . . proud to have kept my blogspot space for three years!

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